Hokkaido, Kushiro - LakeAkan Travel Guide[Official]


Hokkaido, Kushiro - LakeAkan Travel Guide[Official]

What's New

  • 2021.05.07

    【Notice】Bicycle Rental Service

    Do you want to enjoy cycling around Kushiro? Kushiro Tourist Concierge offers bicycle rental service at EHAB, on the first floor of Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO.   ≪Types≫ ◆E-bike ◆MTB(Mountain bike)   ≪Rental Fee≫ 〇Half a day (within 3hours)→ 1500JPY 〇One-day (over 3hours) →2500JPY   《Business Hours》 10AM-5PM Please return the bike until 5PM.   Kushiro Tourist Concierge at EHAB Address: Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf Moo 1F, 2-4 Nishiki machi Kushiro City

  • 2021.05.15

    Hokkaido State of Emergency Declaration

    In response to the Hokkaido’s State of Emergency Declaration, Eco-museum Center Closed from May 16th~for the time being All Sightseeing Boats Out of service May 16th~June 20th Ainu Theater Ikor Closed for the time being We’ll keep you posted.

  • 2021.05.21

    【Temporarily Closed】 Rest House Ikotto and the souvenir shop at Kushiro Marsh Observatory

    With an emergency declaration, Rest House Ikotto and the souvenir shop at Kushiro Marsh Observatory are temporarily closed until May 31st. In addition to the above, soft-serve ice cream and take-out food are not sold at the store until May 31st. We apologize for inconvenience.  

  • 2021.05.26

    【Cancel】Kushiro Port Festival

    Kushiro Port Festival, which was scheduled to be held on July 31 and August 1 2021, has been cancelled.

  • 2021.05.27

    【Update】Nusamai Bridge Lighting-up Color Schedule In June

    We have updated Nusamai Bridge Lighting-up Color Schedule in June. Please check this below↓↓ https://en.kushiro-lakeakan.com/things_to_do/13407/

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