Hokkaido, Kushiro - LakeAkan Travel Guide[Official]


Hokkaido, Kushiro - LakeAkan Travel Guide[Official]

Kushiro Shitsugen Art Museum

Akan Tancho no Sato


Kushiro Shitsugen Art Museum

The Kushiro Shitsugen Art Museum is located in the same area as the "Akan Tancho no Sato" roadside station. The museum stores and displays legacy works of art by Kushiro-born master artist Eisho Sasaki, known as the "Painter of the Wetlands". The collection includes approximately 600 works such as oil paintings, watercolor paintings, sketches, and gyotaku (fish prints). Of these, about 30 pieces are permanently displayed among three galleries. Of these, one gallery includes project exhibits, with works changing twice yearly.

Kushiro Shitsugen Art Museum
23sen38, Akancho Kamiakan, Kushiro-shi, Hokkaido

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