Hokkaido, Kushiro - LakeAkan Travel Guide[Official]


Hokkaido, Kushiro - LakeAkan Travel Guide[Official]

What's New

  • Lake Akan Information Center to Install Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment

    A simultaneous interpretation machine has been installed at the Lake Akan Tourist Information Center! The machine is available in 13 languages, including English, Chinese, and French, and also allows visitors with limited language skills to enter questions on a tablet device.


    Lake Akan Hot Spring Ski Gelande [Utara] Opening for the 2024-2025 Season

    The winter sports season is finally here this year! The 2024-2025 season is scheduled to open on December 26th (Thursday)! *Subject to change depending on weather and course conditions. Skiing, snowboarding, sledding! We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Due to thin ice on Lake Akan, entry onto the ice is prohibited.

    At this time, the ice is very thin and it is dangerous to go up on the ice. In addition, hot spring water gushes from the bottom of Lake Akan, so you never know where the ice suddenly become thin. If you fall into the ice, it will be impossible to rescue you immediately, so please do not go up on the ice until “Ice Land Akan” open, when the ice condition is stable and you are able to fish for wakasagi (freshwater…

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